Saturday, October 15, 2016

Top 5 Common Resume Writing Mistakes

Top 5 Common Resume Writing Mistakes- Do you need to edit your resume?
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The vital resume tells your professional story to potential employers.

Your resume needs to be concise, clear and easy to read to get the attention of the hiring manager. In addition to typos and grammatical errors, the biggest mistake is submitting a resume that doesn't match the job for which you are applying.

Don’t let your resume errors keep you from your dream job.

Here are the top mistakes in resume writing.

1.Misspellings and grammatical errors. Don’t rely on your word processor’s spell check. Use a service like Also, have a friend look over your resume.
2.Not tailoring their resume for each job. Make sure your objective and keywords reflect your target job. Use the job description and the company’s mission statement to tailor your resume.
3.Including every single job you’ve ever had. Your key skills in the summary should match many of the job requirements or else leave it off.  Remember the resume is designed to sell you to the hiring manager.
4.Highlighting duties instead of accomplishments. Use active instead of passive verbs and quantify accomplishments to provide concrete evidence that substantiate you are the best candidate for the position.
5.Including misinformation. Do not embellish your skills and experience. Do not lie.

Need more assistance in creating an effective Resume and Cover Letter?

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